Maafa 2006

It was slightly overcast this year-- rolling fog enveloping us in a translucent shroud. As I stood on the banks of the Pacific gazing out towards the horizon I saw slave ships carrying precious ancestors, to these shores.
Sunrise stood weeping while others meditated, conversed or knelt in the water...pants rolled up, shoes off, children played.
The full moon pulled the tides in further than in years past so we walked around the lagoons singing our thanks to the ancestors...white petals scattered along the salty water's edge. Warm...the embrace inclusive and all encompassing -- it was a moment to remember.
The agony of the Middle Passage, the bones, trails of tears forgiven, if not forgotten as the cries of dispair gave way to songs of praise, praise and thanks, 'cause dispite the doors we walked through collectively never to return, We were still here! New Afrikans rising from the ashes.
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