Justice for Oscar Grant March, Sunday, June 12, 2011 in Oakland, CA

ALL OUT Sunday June 12th to honor Oscar Grant and protest the lack of justice in his murder by a police officer who has been let off by the criminal injustice system with a slap on the wrist, and who is about to be released!
Oscar Grant was a young black working man and father, who was shot in the back, as he lay face down on a BART platform, by a police officer named Johannes Mehserle. Mehserle, who drew his gun and fired point blank at the prone victim, who was pinned down by another cop and lay unresisting before him, was convicted in an LA court of only a misdemeanor charge of involuntary manslaughter. He is now to be released on Monday the 13th of June, after serving only 11 months for this open and shut execution by a police officer.
MOBILIZE: Oscar Grant (Fruitvale) BART Station, 3 PM, Sunday 12 june. March from there to 14th and Broadway, Oakland. Called by the Coalition for Justice for Oscar Grant.
This is a crime of the criminal justice system, which is based on the legacy of slavery, and on the racist capitalist system itself. This system is waging class war on us, and we must fight back.
Honor Oscar Grant! Jail All Killer Cops! Free Mumia Abu-Jamal and all class-war political prisoners!
MOBILIZE: Oscar Grant (Fruitvale) BART Station, Oakland, at 3 PM, Sunday 12 June. Be prepared to march from there to 14th and Broadway.
- Labor Action Committee To Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
PO Box 16222 Oakland CA 94610 510 763-2347
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