Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Wanda's Picks Radio Show, Wed., October, 10, 2018

This is a black arts and culture site. We will be exploring the African Diaspora via the writing, performance, both musical and theatrical (film and stage), as well as the visual arts of Africans in the Diaspora and those influenced by these aesthetic forms of expression. I am interested in the political and social ramifications of art on society, specifically movements supported by these artists and their forebearers. It is my claim that the artists are the true revolutionaries, their work honest and filled with raw unedited passion. They are our true heroes. Ashay!

1. Joanna Haigood,, Picture This: Bayview Hunters Point

2. SF Dance Film Festivsal 2018, Oct. 11-14
8:30-8:50AM Tiffany Rhynard (BLACK STAINS)

8:50-9:10 AM PST - Live radio Interview with Reena Dutt (TOO MANY BODIES)

9:10AM Interview with Emily Halaka and Carolyn DiLoreto (SHED)

3. Tanya Herrera, artist, joins us to talk about SF Open Studios


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