Official Selection of the 2012 Sundance Film Festival premieres on PBS
Monday, February 13, 2012 at 10pm PT on Channel 9/ 9pm ET / 8pm CT
Slavery by Another Name is a 90-minute documentary that challenges one of Americans’ most cherished assumptions: the belief that slavery in this country ended with the Emancipation Proclamation. The film tells how even as chattel slavery came to an end in the South in 1865, thousands of African Americans were pulled back into forced labor with shocking force and brutality. It was a system in which men, often guilty of no crime at all, were arrested, compelled to work without pay, repeatedly bought and sold, and coerced to do the bidding of masters. Tolerated by both the North and South, forced labor lasted well into the 20th century.
For most Americans this is entirely new history. Slavery by Another Name gives voice to the largely forgotten victims and perpetrators of forced labor and features their descendants living today.
Listen Monday, February 13, 2012, 6 a.m. to an interview with director, Sam Pollard. Visit www.blogtalkradio.com/wandas-picks
Sam Pollard is an accomplished feature film and television video editor and documentary producer/director whose work spans almost 30 years. His first assignment as a documentary producer came in 1989 for Henry Hampton's Blackside production EYES ON THE PRIZE II: America at the Racial Crossroads. He received an Emmy for one of his episodes in this series.
Between 1990 and 2000, Pollard edited a number of Spike Lee's films: Mo' Better Blues, Jungle Fever, Girl 6, Clockers and Bamboozled. Pollard and Lee also co-produced some documentary productions for the small and big screens: One, Four Little Girls, a feature-length documentary about the 1963 Birmingham church bombings, was nominated for an Academy Award. Pollard recently won his sixth Emmy for Best Editing on the HBO documentary By the People: The Election of Barack Obama.
To hear an interview with author, Douglas A. Blackmon visit http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wandas-picks/2008/12/26/wandas-picks
Channels and Airdates:
Mon, Feb 13, 2012 -- 10:00pm; Tue, Feb 14, 2012 -- 4:00am
KQED World
Wed, Feb 15, 2012 -- 7:00am email reminder; Wed, Feb 15, 2012 -- 10:00am
Show description:
Our discussion during the first half hour will be about Kwanzaa 12/16-1/1/2009: 8 AM Invited guests include, Dr. Oba T'Shaka, Ms. Pam Hurley, Destiny, Harpist from the Hood and others. 8:30 AM We speak with Darryl Obama Prevost about the Cheikh Anta Diop Golden Awards Charity Gala 12/30 at AAMLO with Eddie Hart and translator for Cheikh Diops’ work Darryl Obama Prevost, and Danny Glover who is presenter and recipient of an award. At 9 AM We talk about the American Book Awards 12/28, 4-6:30 PM at Anna's Jazz Island with honorees: Douglas A. Blackmon, author of "Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to WW II, and Frank B. Wilderson, III, author of Incognegro. At 9:30 AM we speak with Richard Brown, SF8, Claude Marks, Freedom Archives, Sean Vaughn Scott, Black Rep's Music in the Community and Paul Mooney, comedian Dec. 28, 6 & 8 PM about the annual holiday show and the upcoming fundraiser for the SF8 at BRG
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